I realised importance of mentorship and coaching when I started to read Robin Sharma many years ago. From then I started to choose mentors in my professional life carefully and decided to follow and reach them whenever I needed help.
Experience — A Priceless Gift
Mentors will share their success and failure stories with you which is the most valuable and priceless gift you will ever get. Learning and understanding from their experiences helps you avoid similar problems which you might come across in a later point of your life and deal them with a smarter approach.
Role Models —Driving Force
Sometimes, unknowingly we get lost somewhere in our lives and stay much longer in a place. Mentors show you the path towards achieving the goals in your life. The approach of ‘choose a person who you want to be and do exactly what they do’ helped me to keep on moving to a higher level towards excellence.
When you are at cross roads
A small phone conversation with a mentor helps you to approach a problem in a totally new dimension altogether. Whenever I have had trouble on deciding few things in my professional I call my mentors to seek help. As Robin Sharma says, mentors help you to take the right direction whenever you reach a crossroad.
Blessings from God
Mentors share their wisdom to us because they care for us. They transform their energy towards us and make us better people. If you have people to look upto everyday to learn then consider that you are blessed.
Pass the torch
After being with great mentors in my life, I strongly believed I need to do the same by sharing my experiences and mentor the younger people I met. It started to give a great sense of satisfaction in my everyday life whenever I share knowledge to others around me.